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top dog names of 2022

Naming your dog can sometimes be a difficult task. You want something you can call out easily, and something your friends and family can remember. You’re also probably on the lookout for something original, definitely not cliché, and something that all family members will agree on. Well, the top dog names for 2022 are all based on pop culture and the latest trends, and here are some of them.


Britney Spears has been in the news quite a lot recently, so jumping on this trend and naming your pooch after your childhood idol is awesome.


Another amazing voice that has been taking over the media is Adele. “Adele, fetch!” We like it!


With the third installment of Legally Blonde coming in 2022, the main character Elle, played by Reese Witherspoon, is understandably a hot name now.


Why not name your furry friend after one of the trendiest Marvel characters out there? Do you think it’ll give them superpowers too?


Queen Elizabeth has also been in the headlines recently, and why not name your pet after royalty? We’re game!


After the past two years of pandemic-living, haven’t we all had at least a few Zoom calls to remember? Zoom is such an iconic name that can also be indicative of your pet’s energy levels.


“Hey Siri, come here!” That might get you a few good-natured laughs around the neighborhood. With the latest technologies being such an important part of our lives, why not name your very important companion after one of them?

Whatever you choose to name your pet, make sure it’s something you don’t mind saying three million times a day!

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